sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2008

Clinical Symposium with Jean-Pierre Barral

Dora Franco's, B.Sc., D.O., BI-D ( ) participation at several Clinical Symposiums was an exceptional opportunity to witness Jean-Pierre Barral - the developer of Visceral Manipulation, Viscerovascular Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and Global Joint Treatment - demonstrating his skills on pre-selected cases.

To observe closely hands-on presentations in particular areas, such as orthopaedic, neurological, women's/men's health, pediatric, geriatric, oncological, sports, cardiovascular; receive detailed explanations as the instructor proceeds through each case; and discuss these and other cases from his techniques viewpoint, represented a rare opportunity to see the nuances of Barral's distinctive treatment style and to gain insight and expertise from one of the world's leading authorities in alternative/complementary care.

B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science in Medicine
D.O. – Doctor in Osteopathy
BI-D – Barral Institute Diplomate Certification

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